Importance of eyedrops

Eyedrop instillation is the most common and preferred route of administration of drugs to the eye :
• For the treatment of ocular surface diseases (dry eye, allergy, superficial keratitis, …)
• For the treatment of Glaucoma
• For future back-of-the-eye treatments such as Retinopathy

Challenge of administration

Instillation of eye drop is hampered by many issues for most patients, especially the elderly (e.g. difficulty at properly targeting the eye (miss the eye), wrong dosage (no drop or more than one drop is applied), drop not calibrated (drop volume related to pinching force), product spillage, …)

Akrivision approach

Akrivision develops up-right delivery devices facilitating topical ocular drug administration and improving quality of treatment with eyedrop.

Akrivision introduces a new administration model. A new therapeutic gesture both ACCURATE and EASY that minimizes the risk of errors.

Akrivision brings a new, simple and straightforward way to administer eye drops without the problems associated with conventional instillation – a new ocular application paradigm.

Akrivision technical solutions are cost effective devices that have the potential to ease precise dosing and accurate delivery of all kind of topical ophthalmic medications to the eye.

Ocular instillation vs Application

Technical solution

Our approach

Patient centric approach : Our goal is to develop technical solutions that facilitate an accurate topical ocular drug delivery of any kinds of topical ophthalmic medications for the benefit of all patients.

The innovation is easy to use (intuitive, convenient, user-friendly and straightforward) and minimizes errors.

The innovation is easy to implement and to industrialize (simple design, minimal number of components, & compatible with standard manufacturing processes) and cost effective in order to reach most of the patients.

Our solution

We develop up-right delivery devices (for the application of any kind of topical ocular medications) that do not request patients to tilt their head and raise their arm above their head.


New designs are adapted to all multidose devices with preserved or non-preserved solutions.

They use a minimal number of components and are manufactured by injection molding with pharma or medical grade polymers. They are compatible with any kind of eyedrop formulations.

How to use Akrivision’s eyedrop application device

First step : actuation

Second step : application

Demonstration videos

Drop transfer

Drop on top


Application with glasses

Patients’ satisfaction and feedback

About us

Akrivision technologies is a startup created in 2022 by two seasoned researchers and entrepreneurs in the field of ophthalmology.

Dr. Philippe Daull, co-founder of Akrivision Technologies, holds a MSc in chemistry and biology from the University of Strasbourg, France, and a PhD in cell biology from the University of Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada. Philippe has 20+ years of industry experience, developing ophthalmic drugs and medical devices for the treatment of anterior and posterior eye segment pathologies (dry eye, glaucoma, macular edema, diabetic retinopathy). He is experienced in drug development process, from early-stage preclinical studies to translational research, in the preparation of regulatory documents for IND, IMPD, MAA, CE-marked dossiers and at interacting with Regulatory Agencies (pre-IND, Scientific Advice meetings, etc.). Philippe is the co-author of 40+ peer-reviewed scientific articles, book chapters and is the co-inventor of multiple patents.

Pierre Roy, co-founder of Akrivision Technologies is an engineer in plastic technology and has spent 35+ years in the medical device industry, especially in ophthalmology. He has developed many medical devices in anesthesia, neonatology, ocular drug delivery and diagnosis. Pierre is inventor or co-inventor of +25 patents on medical devices. He was technical director of Vygon, manufacturer of catheters, CTO and CEO of Eyegate pharma, developing an ocular drug delivery device, founder of Hexamed, providing medical device design & development, consulting services and project management and founder and CEO of Opia technologies developing and marketing proprietary diagnosis medical devices for ophthalmology.


March, 2024

Akrivision multidose eye bottle concept is featured as an Early Insight article in the March 2024 issue of ONdrugDelivery focusing on Ophthalmic drug delivery.  The article entitled : “Accurate delivery and precise dosing of eye drops: What if we change the instillation procedure?” describes briefly the instillation issues and the risk associated with the use of existing eye droppers, and discusses how a simple change in the design of the multidose eye dropper can improve the safety, accuracy and precise dosing of eye drop administration.  The innovative multidose eye bottle complies with the regulatory and economic requirements and has the potential to give patients a better autonomy and improve their satisfaction and experience with their eye drop medications.

Use the following link : to access to the article in ONdrugDelivery

If you are interested to learn more about this innovative ophthalmic dispenser, do not hesitate to contact Akrivision’s team.

March 11, 2023

Akrivision will present a poster entitled: “A new eye drop delivery device that resolves patients ocular instillation issues” at ARVO 2023 at the session 139 “New drugs, delivery systems and mechanisms of action” on April 23, 2023 from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM (Poster C0311, poster board 729).

The goal of the present study is to evaluate the usability and patients’ satisfaction for an innovative eye drop delivery device designed to resolve the instillation issues of the traditional eye drop delivery droppers,…” © Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2023.

Do not hesitate to pass by or schedule a meeting to learn more about Akrivision new eye drop delivery devices.

June, 2023

Akrivision will be presenting a poster at the 10th World Glaucoma Congress held in Rome, Italy from June 28th to July 1st.

The poster (P-060) entitled « : “Improving glaucoma patient treatment compliance with a new up-right eyedrop delivery device” will present Akrivision’s novel ophthalmic dispenser concept.

The poster presents convincing evidence that the new up-right ophthalmic dispenser is easy to use, and improves patients’ accuracy and ability to correctly deliver a well calibrated eye drop.  Moreover, patients’ preference goes toward Akrivision’s new ophthalmic dispenser when compared to conventional eye drop bottles.

If you are interested to learn more about this innovative ophthalmic dispenser, do not hesitate to pass by or to schedule a meeting with Akrivision’s team.

Contact us

Akrivision is actively partnering with industry peers to use the potential of our technology across multiple modalities and indications.

If you would like to discuss a potential partnership with Akrivision, please contact us.